Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself

Where and how often should I service my machine?

To enjoy the full benefits of your Aqua Ozone machine and to maintain the validity of your warranty, your unit needs to be serviced on an annual basis at any of the selected branches in South Africa or Namibia.

Where can I get hold of parts such as the mat, pipe, etc.?

Contact Nerisca at our office on +27 71 679 6766 or email

Does the machine have a warranty and what is the validity?

Yes, your machine is accompanied by a 11-year warranty plus a promotional lifetime warranty on the motor, provided it’s serviced annually.

What is the return policy?

The Aqua Ozone machine is a hygienic product and once opened, it cannot be returned. However, based on the regulations in the consumer protection act, a consumer has 5 days to cancel their purchase and return the product. If a consumer cancels their purchase within 5 days, the supplier of the product has the right to claim or off-set any costs that would be incurred to restore the product to a saleable state. This would include but is not limited to the replacement of the therapeutic mat, cushion, pipe and aromatherapy oils.

Is your product safe and credible?

The Aqua Ozone Elite is manufactured according to the highest safety standards and has a letter of Authority from the National Regulator of Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) in accordance with IEC 60 335-2-60 Standards for Electrical Appliances. These are experts who participate in the technical and conformity assessments of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). We have tests to prove safe amounts of Ozone are created for therapeutic use from Consulting Engineers cc, who determine the concentration of Ozone emitted. We are also proud to advise that our manufacturing process for the Aqua Ozone Elite is ISO 9001 compliant.

Is Aqua Ozone Elite easy to use, and how long does it take to assemble?

Aqua Ozone Elite has been designed to be assembled in less than 30 seconds. In fact, it takes longer to run your bath than to prepare your ozone machine for use.

What are the different ways to use the Aqua Ozone Machine?

  1. Hydrotherapy in a bath or shower
  2. Dry therapy
  3. Purifying the air in a room

What is the advised length of an Aqua Ozone therapy session?

The advised duration is to use your machine for a maximum of one 20-minute session within an 8-hour period. Your Aqua Ozone machine allows you to select your duration which can either be a 5-, 10-, or 20-minute session. Kindly refer to your information booklet for more information.

Are there any serious side effects?

There are no harmful side effects. Ozone acts as a natural detoxifying agent which will cleanse your body but may cause drowsiness during your first few sessions. This is normal as it’s your body’s way of responding to positive change, just as you might feel light-headed after going for a long run for the first time in a while. Your body will get used to this change and any effects that you experience at the beginning should fall away and normalize over time.

During a dry therapy session, my skin becomes increasingly warm. Is this normal?

It is normal for the ozone machine to blow out hot air, as this prevents the water from going cold too quickly when the machine is used in the bath. If you are lying directly on the mat and the air is too hot, you can place the mat beside yourself under the blanket, so that it creates an ozone vacuum which will result in a similar treatment.

Can I take my Aqua Ozone Elite away on holiday with me?

Yes, the Aqua Ozone machine was specially designed for mobile use, we even have special bags available to enable you to carry your Aqua Ozone Elite easily.

Will Aqua Ozone Elite help my stress lifestyle?

Yes, it will – stress relief is one of the main benefits of using our Aqua Ozone machine.